A Slice of Our Wedding Day

There really is no combination of words that can fully convey the joy and happiness of day we wed. Hence, I won't even attempt an intricate account......but I will outline the simple things that when rolled together created a day unlike any other, an experience that elevated to something greater than we ever expected, and memories that we'll cherish and carry with us throughout our life together.

  • I wore my mother's wedding dress & veil. From 1979. Minor alterations, and it was a dream come true, for both of us I believe.
  • Our ceremony was short & meaningful. Non-denominational since we were married in a chapel. And every word that was said echoed deep.
  • We thanked our parents and gave our mother's roses as part of our ceremony, which was one of the most special parts to me.
  • Everything was homemade or DIY. From the garland hanging behind us at the chapel, to pinecones I gathered up from our backyard and spraypainted. Our felt "H" location marker, chalkboard signs at the reception to direct guests, hand-stamped name cards, tissue poms hung from the beams, aluminum cans I wrapped in happy tape and finished with vintage lace for candle holders, a gift trunk (that I thrifted for $2.50!) hand-decorated with vintage fabrics and homemade bunting, and custom 'merch table' items designed and ordered by yours truly.
  • Being a professional in Marketing/PR, and having our reception at a barn converted into a state of the art music hall - it came to me naturally that we should 'brand' our wedding (T&S) and also stage a 'merch table' - custom designed pins, wedding 45s (CDs - that I designed to look like records), and custom designed T-shirts.
  • We ate catered BBQ.
  • We danced to music that moved us.
  • Our friend's band played all night.
  • The dance floor was NEVER empty.
  • The drinks never stopped flowing, even after the bartender left. A cousin stepped in to continue the service ;-)
  • After the first couple songs & more 'formal' dances, I kicked off my shoes and was barefoot the entire rest of the night.
  • The love and energy encapsulated in that music hall was the most wonderfully overwhelming and beautiful feeling you could ever imagine to feel.

May 15, 2010. Since that ethereal glorious day, life has seemed to be a slippery slope of events that have usurped all of our time....in an equally exciting and terrifying way! :-)

More on that later.......in the meantime, I hope you ENJOYED this little slice of one of the happiest and euphoric days of our life.


Very cool wedding. You all are so adventurous - a pair of round trip tix?? you guys had a ball (from the pics) CONGRATULATIONS
Great pictures, they are very nice and beautiful. Perfect couple for a perfect place.

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